Studio Weiszkopf

is the professional working environment of András Weiszkopf. Since 2011, he has worked on architectural, academic, and art projects with artists, architects, and engineers.

András Weiszkopf

is an architect interested in challenging, high-quality, and humane architectural tasks. His design praxis is centered around materiality, sustainability, atmosphere, and classical architectural values.

András Weiszkopf is an assistant professor at the Department of Residential Building Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He defended his doctoral thesis, Spatial Reserve, in 2022.

András Weiszkopf is an architectural photographer who has kept a photographic diary @weisz since 2016. His images of the Hungarian built environment have received awards, been featured in international campaigns, and published in magazines and books.

Since 2011, András Weiszkopf has worked together with Abrán Boglárka, Árkovics Lilla, Baktay Andrea, Babos Annamária, Czirják Bence, Csernátony Dóra, Csóka Attila Róbert, Csomay Zsófia, Siavash Dadpour, Andrei Durloi, Erdélyi Balázs, Erdélyi Bálint, Erdélyi + Partner, építészfórum, Építész Stúdió, Félix Zsolt, Gönczöl Zsófia, Guba Sándor, Hámori Péter, Gubahámori, Hild György, Nouras Hamdan, Imre Flóra Fanni, Kiss Luca, Kolossa József, Merényi Márton, Máthé Dóra, Molnár Szabolcs, Müllner Péter, Novák Sándor, Paradigma Ariadné, Péter-Szabó Eszter, Smiló Dávid, Sógor Ákos, Sóváry Dalma Friderika, Ránki Soma, Spilenberg Donát, Studio Ránki, Szilágyi Emese Lili, Szilágyi Zsófi, Szőke Zsófia, OCTOGON, Weichinger Sára.